It’s not you (or them). It’s me.
Timing is everything. I had this post written a few days ago and was really just mulling over whether it was done. Tonight, a friend and I had a conversation that touched on so many of these things. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t have it all figured out. Here’s a principal I’ve always pretty carefully observed when it comes to my marriage: don’t complain about your spouse to others. There are no “take-backs” after you’ve told someone else that your spouse has wronged you in some way, whether it’s minor or not. Those of us with marriages that are still kicking after a period…
I’m a total loser
Some of my favorite memories of my childhood involve being a loser. My dad was absolutely fantastic about playing checkers with me, starting sometime around when I was 8. After we’d gotten pretty good at playing a basic game of checkers, he had a desire to learn how to play chess, so we basically learned together. And, here’s the important part – he never, ever LET me win. In fact, on the VERY rare occasions when I did, in fact, beat him, he would grin and look at me and say, “You gotta let the little kids win sometimes.” And I would grin and laugh with him, because we both…
First Day
So, we started our homeschool year today. Was it perfect and smooth? Why, no, it was not. My Kindergartener, who has anxiously been awaiting this day (mostly in anticipation of our traditional ice cream smorgasbord for lunch) and who was absolutely giddy while doing his back-to-school supply shopping the evening before, deflated and lost his enthusiasm shortly after realizing that we were going to be doing a little (and really, just a little) actual school work before we switched to the “celebration” portion of the day. Trying to get him to complete anything was, to say the least, a challenge. His sister, a Second Grader, declared for the first time…