Children's Bible Study
Daily Devotional

Crazy Kids Bible Devotional: Jesse Tree Day 13

Welcome to Day 13 of the Crazy Kids Bible Devotional Jesse Tree series!

For those of you who have been listening to the podcast, I just want to thank you so much for letting my family come into your home everyday! Presenting this Bible study for kids every day has been a tremendous blessing to my children and they are thrilled at the thought that there are other children out there participating with them!

If you haven’t been listening (or doing a Jesse Tree study of your own), this halfway point is an EXCELLENT place to jump in. Today we’re talking about the basis of “The Jesse Tree” and just how BIG God’s plan is!

Today’s podcast is available at the bottom of this post and on iTunes. If you’d like access to all the podcasts, devotional guides, and ornaments from the beginning, you can click on the “Podcasts” heading up on the menu. That’s also where you’ll find the link to subscribe directly to the podcast via iTunes, if you’d like to do that.

You can download the devotional guide and printable ornament for Day 13 by clicking the image below (or here: Day-13-Plan.pdf (1126 downloads ) ).

Bible Study for Kids

Today’s Kids’ Daily Devotional Jesse Tree, Day 13 Podcast: