Children's Bible Study
Daily Devotional

Crazy Kids Bible Devotional: Jesse Tree Day 22

Welcome to Day 22 of the Crazy Kids Bible Devotional Jesse Tree series!

Children's Bible StudyWe seem to have hit the perfect storm of craziness around here over the last day or two. Sunday was our church Christmas program, in which (somehow) our entire family had a role to play (or two). As we were leaving for the program Sunday afternoon, we discovered that one of our computers (the one we use to edit the Jesse Tree podcasts) wouldn’t come up. It was hand delivered on Monday morning to the IT guy, who will hopefully be able to work his magic with it, but it wasn’t a quick fix. Shortly after my husband left to drop off the computer, our internet went down and stayed down for most of the day. A service tech had to come out and it took him over two hours (and two new modems) to get it back up and running again. And of course, there’s actual business-related work and the normal pre-holiday cleaning, shopping, baking, etc. to be done! Whew!

Please forgive us for being tardy in posting our Jesse Tree updates! If you’ve been joining us, we’re so glad you have! This devotional series has been a blessing to my children and we hope it’s been a blessing to you and yours, as well!

Today’s podcast is available at the bottom of this post and on iTunes. If you’d like access to all the podcasts, devotional guides, and ornaments from the beginning, you can click on the “Podcasts” heading up on the menu. That’s also where you’ll find the link to subscribe directly to the podcast via iTunes, if you’d like to do that.

You can download the devotional guide and printable ornament for Day 22 by clicking the image below (or here: Day-22-Righteous.pdf (1063 downloads ) )

Jesse Tree









Today’s Kids’ Daily Devotional Jesse Tree, Day 22 Podcast: