Children's Bible Study
Daily Devotional

Crazy Kids Bible Devotional: Jesse Tree Day 8

Welcome to Day 8 of the Crazy Kids Bible Devotional Jesse Tree series!

Today’s podcast is available at the bottom of this post and on iTunes. If you’d like access to all the podcasts, devotional guides, and ornaments from the beginning, you can click on the “Podcasts” heading up on the menu. That’s also where you’ll find the link to subscribe directly to the podcast via iTunes, if you’d like to do that.

Today’s Bible story is about Joseph. There are so many parallels between the story of Joseph and the story of Jesus. The Jesus Storybook Bible says it so well:

Like Joseph, he would leave his home and his Father. His brothers would hate him and want him dead. He would be sold for pieces of silver. He would be punished even though he had done nothing wrong.

Thinking about those similarities also reminded me of a book that I’ve been meaning to read for some time – Raising a Modern Day Joseph. I’ve probably owned it for 3 years, ever since I heard the author speak, but it’s never made it up to the top of the stack on my nightstand. The question the book tries to answer is – How do we raise a child who can head out into the the current culture as a teenager and choose to continue to serve God? Can we raise children who can do what Joseph was able to do?

I’m moving the book to the top of the stack. Actually, I’ve cleaned off my nightstand and there is no stack, just one lone book. So this book‘s chances of getting read have improved dramatically. Plus, my children are three years older than they were when I purchased it, and I’m more interested than ever in knowing what kind of wisdom it can impart.

Back to the Jesse Tree! You can download the devotional guide and printable ornament for Day 8 by clicking the image below (or here: Day-8-Forgiveness.pdf (1156 downloads ) ).

Child's Daily Devotions Bible Study Jesse TreeNote: Our kiddos are going to be reading from the Common English Bible (CEB). We love this version because, while it’s a translation and not a paraphrase, it uses language that is approachable and more easily understood by our children. My husband and I like the translation for ourselves as well, and we enjoy all being able to open our Bibles (hard copies and iPad versions) and read from the same translation.

Today’s Kids’ Daily Devotional Jesse Tree, Day 8 Podcast: