First Day
So, we started our homeschool year today. Was it perfect and smooth? Why, no, it was not. My Kindergartener, who has anxiously been awaiting this day (mostly in anticipation of our traditional ice cream smorgasbord for lunch) and who was absolutely giddy while doing his back-to-school supply shopping the evening before, deflated and lost his enthusiasm shortly after realizing that we were going to be doing a little (and really, just a little) actual school work before we switched to the “celebration” portion of the day. Trying to get him to complete anything was, to say the least, a challenge. His sister, a Second Grader, declared for the first time that I can ever recall that she “hates math” and showed about that same level of disdain for everything else. Lovely. Especially, since I’ve bragged on her math confidence and competence repeatedly in recent months. Sigh . . .
But . . . we did start our day with a new Bible Study and I have to say that IT was a success. And, I felt so good about it that even after the whole challenging morning was over, I was able to walk away from the day counting myself abundantly blessed instead of excessively
frazzled. I am so thankful that we don’t have to rush out of the house to get somewhere EVERY morning (we do rush out SOME mornings). Most mornings, we are able to make time to sit down and spend time together praying and learning from God’s Word.
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